Reusable 96-well Micro-Equilibrium Dialysis Devices
Unique patented high throughput equilibrium dialysis device with revolutionary design combines ease-of-use, versatility, reliability, and precision to expand your options in all micro-equilibrium experiments.
Minimal non-specific binding due to 100% Teflon block construction
Ready in minutes and achieves equilibrium in 4-6 hours on average
Conserves valuable reagents with working volumes of 30-150 ul
Automatable with standard robotic workstations and 96-well pipettors
Ready access to both the sample and dialysate sides of the membrane from the top of the device
Compatible with a wide range of dialysis membrane pore sizes to meet experimental needs
Reusable device is cost-effective, eco-friendly, and scalable
The HTD96c version was designed to reduce the time required to reach equilibrium by decreasing the diffusion path length and increasing the dialysis membrane surface area to sample volume ratio.
Conserves valuable reagents with working volumes (25-75ul)
Ready in minutes and achieves equilibrium in 2-4 hours on average
Automatable with standard robotic workstations and 96-well pipettors
Ready access to both the sample and dialysate sides of the membrane from the top of the device
Compatible with a wide range of dialysis membrane pore sizes to meet experimental needs
Reusable device is cost effective, eco-friendly, and scalable
12 well buffer exchange and desalting device
Sample volume to dialysate ratio 1:26
Compatible with a wide range of dialysis membrane pore sizes to meet experimental needs
Conserves valuable reagents with working volumes range of 50-150 ul
Teflon block compatible with all HTD96 universal base